Sex and diabetes

How you feel about sex
Many factors can affect how you feel about sex and your sex drive, and not all of these are related to diabetes. Depression and anxiety, low self-esteem, being tired, and some medications can all impact how you feel about sex.
Some issues related to your diabetes, such as anxiety about having a hypo or what to do with your insulin pump, if you use one, can also make you feel uncomfortable about having sex.
You’re not alone and these are issues that most people with diabetes have thought about or encountered at some point. Have a look at the Diabetes UK forum to chat with others who may be having similar problems.
Sex and relationships
Diabetes can put a strain on your close relationships, from problems you may encounter sexually to looking out for signs of a hypo. There can be many things to think about. Communication plays a big part in any relationship and it’s good for you and your partner to discuss any issues and try and resolve them together.
If you’re not sure where to start, try getting in touch with relationship counsellors at Relate, or call the Diabetes UK helpline for further advice.
Sex and insulin pumps
There are lots of questions about what to do with your insulin pump when you have sex; Does it get in the way? What if it gets pulled out? How do you explain what it is to your partner? Can it be disconnected? The truth is there are no right or wrong answers here, it’s what works best for you.
Some people find it’s easier to disconnect so it won’t get in the way and you’re less likely to have a hypo. Other people keep their pump on as it means that your blood glucose levels won’t go too high, but they may drop too low. It is just a bit of a balancing act and you’ll find what works best for you.
Below Jen Grieves talks about her own experiences with sex and insulin pumps:
If you have any questions or concerns about having sex when you have an insulin pump then speak to your diabetes care team or have a look at the Diabetes UK online forum.
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