How is diabetes diagnosed?

There are a few different ways that your healthcare professional can diagnose you with diabetes.
One of these ways is a blood test which is sent to the laboratory to measure the blood glucose levels. If this blood glucose level is of a value greater than or equal to 11.1 mmol/L (or 7 mmol/L if you were asked to fast beforehand) then this is a positive result for diabetes.
Another way diabetes can be diagnosed is through a procedure known as an oral glucose tolerance test or OGTT. This is a procedure in which you will have been asked to drink a drink containing glucose and have a blood test two hours afterwards. This will test how your body responds to glucose. In people with diabetes, this glucose drink will cause their blood glucose levels to remain high as it is unable to move into the bodies cells where it is needed.
Receiving a diagnosis of diabetes can be a difficult time for many. In the video below people with type 2 diabetes share how they were diagnosed and how they felt about it.
HbA1c is a blood test which is used to give a person’s average blood glucose reading over the past 3 months. It analyses how much glucose is attached to your haemoglobin (the protein molecule in the blood that carries oxygen). If this reading is greater than 48 mmol/mol then this can be diagnostic of diabetes.
Comment by agne- 7400 on 4th January 2022 at 11:33 am
Thank you so much. It has remained me of when I was first diagnosed and the tests I went through.
It has reminded me of so many things I should do to keep myself on top of my Diabetes.
I am a bit relaxed as compared with when I was diagnosed about 26years ago.
Thanks again
Comment by Alison. C. on 17th January 2022 at 3:47 pm
I’m glad you have found the course useful Agnes. 🙂
Comment by agne- 7400 on 4th January 2022 at 11:39 am
It has reminded me of when I had my test about some 25 years ago,
I can see I have relaxed with care of myself.
Thank you so much for putting me back on trackAgnes Kuuyelle
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