Diabetes and mental wellbeing

Diabetes and mental wellbeing

For many people, a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes can be associated with negative feelings.

Some people feel disappointment, some feel frustration, some feel shame, and some try to cope by ignoring their diagnosis altogether.

It’s important to take some time to think about how you, or someone you know, is coping with their diabetes. For support, talking to a member of your diabetes team is always a good place to start.

Diabetes distress refers to feeling overwhelmed or defeated because of the constant and relentless nature of diabetes.

These feelings aren’t uncommon. Diabetes distress affects 1 in 5 people with type 2 diabetes who use insulin and 1 in 6 people with type 2 diabetes who don’t use insulin.

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Other mental health conditions such as anxiety or depression are also more common among people with type 2 diabetes. If you think this might affect you, think about speaking to your diabetes team. 

There are simple things you can do to reduce anxiety; such as trying to get a good amount of sleep or taking time to relax and distract yourself. Mind.org has some great information if you want to see more.  

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