Tips from those who’ve been

Thinking about managing your diabetes during a festival might seem a little overwhelming at first, but plenty of people with type 1 diabetes regularly attend festivals and have a great time. We asked some more festival-goers for the best advice they’d give to someone new to festivals. If you have any tips of your own, why not share them by leaving a comment below.

“Take one of the mini test kits as they fit in your pocket“

“Bring your own food as it’s easier to judge how much insulin you need. Plan when you are going to eat and try and stick to it. It’s really easy to lose track of time and forget to eat. Take less insulin than usual cause you will be doing more exercise (and probably drinking). Try to take less 24-hour insulin the night before if possible“

“Be careful with your needles and make sure everyone you are with knows that you have to inject and take your blood glucose. Always make sure you know where the first aid tent is in case of an emergency“

“Make sure the people who you are with know you have to eat regularly and get them to carry something sweet for you to eat“

“Keep insulin/pens safe with you at all times and if possible store a spare in the car or ask a friend to carry it. Also anti-bacterial gel or similar is useful as it can be very muddy and there are often no showers/adequate washing facilities. Remember: dancing and walking around festivals uses a lot of energy. Make sure your friends know you have diabetes. I also have a medic alert bracelet which gives me peace of mind“

“Bring baby wipes to make sure you can take your injection and do a blood test hygienically“

“Don’t panic, there is food everywhere. Just carry dextrose and your insulin and you’re laughing“

“Don’t go overboard with drink. Make sure your friends know exactly how to treat you if you are having a hypo. Always stay close to your friends“