Ambulatory Glucose Profile (AGP)

Your Ambulatory Glucose Profile (AGP) is a representation of many days of glucose readings displayed as if all the readings had occurred in a single 24 hour period.
On LibreLink you’ll find this data under ‘daily patterns’
What does an Ambulatory Glucose Profile look like?

PARALLEL GREEN LINES: Target Glucose Range – This is where glucose levels should be as much as possible. The target glucose range is usually 3.9 mmol/L – 10 mmol/L.
BLACK/BLUE SOLID LINE: Median Line – The ‘average’ (middle) point of all your glucose levels that shows ‘what usually happens’ during a day. Look at whether it is in the target glucose range and how much it swings up and down at different times of the day.
INNER BLUE-SHADED BAND: This band indicates where glucose levels are ‘half the time’. Look at the width of the band throughout the day. The wider this band is, the more variable the glucose levels are day-to-day.
OUTER GREY-SHADED BAND: This band indicates more ‘occasional’ high or low glucose levels. Look at areas where the band is widest, this indicates more day-to-day variation at these times.
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