Admission to hospital

Being admitted to hospital can be a difficult time for anyone. With your insulin pump, you may have a few extra things to think about.
What do I do with my pump if I am admitted to the hospital?
If it is a planned admission, make sure you discuss your insulin pump with hospital staff and your diabetes team beforehand. If you are having a minor operation it may be possible to keep your pump on with the agreement of the anaesthetist looking after you.
If you are having a major operation, you will need to take off your pump and be given insulin intravenously (through a vein).
If you are admitted with high blood glucose levels or ketones, you will be asked to take off your pump and given intravenous insulin until the problem has been resolved.
If you are capable of looking after your diabetes yourself, you should continue using your pump while in hospital with the agreement of the medical team and nurses caring for you. If you are temporarily incapable of looking after your insulin pump yourself, you will need to use other methods to give your insulin. The hospital staff looking after you will advise the best way forward.
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