Understanding High Risk of Type 2

This course is the follow on from the ‘Introduction Type 2 Prevention’ course. We will explore the diet and lifestyle factors which increase your risk of developing type 2 diabetes in more depth in this course.
This course:

Is for anyone that is at high risk of developing type 2 (non-diabetic hyperglycaemia)

Will take no more than 3 hours to complete

Can be completed at your own pace and doesn’t have to be in one sitting
We hope to help you feel confident in managing your risk of developing type 2 diabetes and support you in making decisions that result in the best possible health outcomes for you. Please note that all comments left on the course are moderated.
To get started, click on the first section ‘Welcome’ below.
I don’t know if I have d Diabetes
Vincent is deaf and this is hard for him to understand he needs to go to a place where a BSL interpreter can help him
Thank you. It’s a bit scary to know but at least I know what to do now. Need to change my life style
I don’t need this learning am losing weight and eating healthy
The course is excellent, and I hope that every person with diabetes has the opportunity to take it. It provides you with valuable knowledge that can be used to assist others.
This course is quite adept at explaining the term NDH and it’s implications
Useful tool for those at risk of type two diabetes
Video accounts from those with NDH useful addition
The Eatwell plate is a helpful guide to portions
Useful links to further resources helpful
Exercise guide throughout the ages particularly helpful
Glad to see those caring for someone with a high risk of diabetes is included in the target group
I still appear only to have completed 96% of the course and despite posting 7 comments the completed message hasn’t appeared so other than logging iut nit sure what to do
The significance of this program warrants its inclusion in schools by the government.
Thank you I would like to learn more
about to aware about this type 2 diabetes .
what change about my diet?
I do have a healthy diet lots of vegetables fruits and very little carbs but exercise at home and go out very rarely as I am very scared of falling my only sugar intake is one piece of dark chocolate with my coffee at lunch time that I am not prepared to give up
Thank you